UPDATED: Wilcannia community to blockade bridge and save the Darling (Barka) River demanding water trading end in Australia

UPDATED: Wilcannia community to blockade bridge and save the Darling (Barka) River demanding water trading end in Australia

Friday 13th March will see numerous actions in support of the Wilcannia Blockade:LISMORE: https://www.facebook.com/events/827614881084509/Support the Wilcannia Bridge actionPARRAMATTA: https://www.facebook.com/events/294832408160894/Action: Water for Rivers and Communities: Water is Not for Sale!FLOOD the MINISTER! https://www.melbournefoe.org.au/flood_the_ministerSTOP PUMPING NOW! Please sign! A crowdfunder has been set up to support the ActionGofundme Blockade On the 13th of March, the Darling River community will blockade the bridge at Wilcannia. We are calling for an end to water trading in Australia. The people of the Darling river at Wilcannia and Menindee have been fighting the government for 30 years over the…continue reading →
Santos business case put to the test: fails badly

Santos business case put to the test: fails badly

Just days after the announcement by Prime Minister Scott Morrison of a Commonwealth-State “energy deal”, gas industry executives faced tough questioning at the second hearing of the NSW Upper House Inquiry into The implementation of the recommendations contained in the NSW Chief Scientist's Independent Review of Coal Seam Gas Activities in New South Wales.   Questions were asked about the economic justification for Santos’ Narrabri Gas Project, which is under assessment by the NSW Government. One of Santos’ pivotal promises is that Narrabri gas will reduce gas prices to the people and industry…continue reading →
Why NSW needs a moratorium on coal seam gas: NWPAs Anna Christie’s opinion

Why NSW needs a moratorium on coal seam gas: NWPAs Anna Christie’s opinion

Anna Christie, Environmental Lawyer, from the North West Protection Advocacy grassroots volunteer group discusses the 850+ well Narrabri coal seam gas mine proposal and why it is imperative that NSW introduces a coal seam gas moratorium. https://soundcloud.com/nwpa/anna-christie-nwpa-is-interviewed-by-bay-fm-110220 Anna presses home the point that a fracking ban will not protect us, and why we need to show maximum support for the coal seam gas moratorium bill proposed by Justin Field Independent MLC. The Coal Seam Gas Moratorium Bill has 4 key elements.  Impose a moratorium on the prospecting for or the mining of coal…continue reading →
“NSW clueless on coal seam gas plan”, NSW Gas Plan in disarray – Letter to AFR

“NSW clueless on coal seam gas plan”, NSW Gas Plan in disarray – Letter to AFR

Don McKenzie the writer of the leading letter to the editor of the AFR “NSW clueless on coal seam gas plan” (7th February 2020)  is not a casual armchair observer, but a community representative from Coonamble, a region endangered by Santos if the Narrabri Gas Project were to be approved. The Australian Financial Review has shown that it is awakening to the realities of the Narrabri Gas Project since its editorial and story “Controversial CSG project set to get green light” (AFR Friday 21st June 2019) where it referred to objectors to the Santos project…continue reading →
Sally Hunter presents evidence to the CSG Inquiry on behalf of People for the Plains, appeals to the Committee for help

Sally Hunter presents evidence to the CSG Inquiry on behalf of People for the Plains, appeals to the Committee for help

Mrs Sally Hunter, Secretary, People for the Plains Inc presented evidence at the second hearing of “The implementation of the recommendations contained in the NSW Chief Scientist's Independent Review of Coal Seam Gas Activities in New South Wales”. Opening Statement I grew up on a property north of Roma and watched as our district became a gasfield, ultimately driving out those families that could not bear the changes that were forced upon them. My parents’ beef business was rendered unworkable. This played out badly for their mental health, their marriage and our farm.…continue reading →