Why NSW needs a moratorium on coal seam gas: NWPAs Anna Christie’s opinion

Anna Christie, Environmental Lawyer, from the North West Protection Advocacy grassroots volunteer group discusses the 850+ well Narrabri coal seam gas mine proposal and why it is imperative that NSW introduces a coal seam gas moratorium.

Anna presses home the point that a fracking ban will not protect us, and why we need to show maximum support for the coal seam gas moratorium bill proposed by Justin Field Independent MLC.

The Coal Seam Gas Moratorium Bill has 4 key elements. 

  1. Impose a moratorium on the prospecting for or the mining of coal seam gas across NSW.
  2. Apply no-go zones to particular areas including the local government areas of the Northern Rivers, drinking water catchments, national parks residential areas and prime agricultural land.
  3. Establish a standing expert advisory body on coal seam gas to advise governments on the impacts and risks of CSG.
  4. Re-introduce the public interest test, which was previously removed by the Coalition Government, when considering petroleum exploration and extraction titles.

Thankyou to BayFM for recording this interview.

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