UPDATED: Current Petroleum Titles Document removed from NSW Government website – detail here of EXPIRED Petroleum Titles and Applications
This document now has a broken link:
It can be viewed here.
Petroleum-TitlesCurrent-2018-05The department have indicated that they are updating these documents. NWPA have contacted the department to ask when this might be occurring. Community would have remained better informed if the older Titles document had remained whilst updating occurred.
The mapping here has not been updated since 2016 and the link to the Titles is also broken.
This is a map detailing the expired petroleum titles in NSW. The impacted communities have been calling for these titles to be cancelled for many years. Santos is on record saying they have no plans to drill for gas on the Liverpool Plains. There has been no gas exploration activity in eleven of these twelve PELs for many years and yet the Government will not cancel them under the ‘Use it or Lose it’.
Minister Harwin was questioned on the issue in parliament by Jeremy Buckingham MP.
The MINIMUM STANDARDS AND MERIT ASSESSMENT PROCEDURE (Incorporating the Use It or Lose It Policy) states “Through the NSW Gas Plan, the Government is committed to implementing and enforcing a ‘Use It or Lose It’ Policy requiring title holders to commit to developing the State’s resources or risk losing their prospecting title2. If a serious commitment cannot be demonstrated at application, transfer, upon renewal or during the term of a prospecting title, companies may face refusal or cancellation of their titles.”