Santos flags expansion beyond the Narrabri Gas Project and PEL238 in Document 34

Santos flags expansion beyond the Narrabri Gas Project and PEL238 in Document 34

A document procured under GIPA has revealed Santos’ intentions to go beyond the footprint of PEL 238 and the Narrabri Gas Project and proposes to link the Permian Coal Seam Gas Prospects by way of drilling a corehole. David Close from Santos and Tamboran Resources expresses in Document 34 – GIPA 23-39 Regional NSW (a Prospecting Title Works Program document likely supplied as rationale to renew PEL238): Exploration Rationale This area (PEL 238, PAL 2, PPL 3) is the most advanced of the prospective resources in the Gunnedah Basin in terms of appraisal…continue reading →
Government relaxes gas leak reporting requirements for coal seam gas industry

Government relaxes gas leak reporting requirements for coal seam gas industry

By Johanna Evans The requirement for coal seam gas operators like Santos to report significant wellhead leaks has been dismantled by the NSW Government with a quiet update of the Code of Practice for Coal Seam Gas Well Integrity which has been replaced by a newer code that combines Well Integrity with the Fracture Stimulation Code. Released in February 2023 just weeks before the NSW State Election, it is now called the “NSW code of practice for construction, operation and decommissioning of petroleum wells”. The new Code ceases to require reporting to the…continue reading →