Hunter Gas Pipeline Revealed – A Three Part History

Hunter Gas Pipeline Revealed – A Three Part History

While we await the decision of the NSW Independent Planning Commission on whether or not to approve Santos' Narrabri Gas Project, the Hunter Gas Pipeline is trying to ram a path through the Liverpool Plains to Queensland under the pretext of COVID-19 economic recovery. With promises of taxpayer funding to develop the unpopular gas pipeline, promoter Garbis Simonian thinks his day has come. But things were not so promising for Simonian until the pandemic changed the fortunes of Hunter Gas Pipeline, now queuing up for a handout from Scott Morrison's pro-gas government. Part…continue reading →
A Tale of Two Pipeline Promoters (in three parts) – Pipeline to Nowhere

A Tale of Two Pipeline Promoters (in three parts) – Pipeline to Nowhere

Part 3: In Parts One and Two, we brought you the story of businessmen Duncan Hardie, Garbis Simonian and others along with the genesis of the Hunter Gas Pipeline company in 2005 and the machinations that have taken place since then to establish a 600mm diameter cross border gas transmission pipeline connecting Queensland’s Wallumbilla Gas Hub to Newcastle. Duncan Hardie was an influential serial land and fossil fuel speculator from New Zealand, and founding Chairman of the NSW Urban Taskforce, who had claimed that he and three other proponents would finance the build…continue reading →